Jak bardzo wiernie zapamiętujemy cechy i kolory słynnych symboli znanych marek, jak zapisują się w naszych umysłach loga , które widzimy prawie …
Websites created by us:
design | advanced workflow | maintenance service
design | service
design | advanced workflow | maintenance service
design | advanced workflow | maintenance service
design | workflow | maintenance service
design | workflow | maintenance service
Short business websites:
About us: The company was founded in 1995 at the initiative of Krzysztof Kalet, an experienced printer specialist, father of Michał Kalet – the owner.
Strong family roots in printing and education have established our company as a reliable advisor in the field of printing and printing prepress.
Currently, the company provides services on many areas related to advertising, such as: graphic desiadvertising photography, advertising films, marketing consulting, ATL advertising activities, printing, domains and hosting.
Czeresniowa Street 1, 62-051 Wiry (near Poznan) Poland, phone. +48 605-320-456 lub 661-11-81-81, mail: [email protected]
We develop advertising activities for your services or goods. We plan an advertising and marketing strategy. We design and implement ideas for the presentation of your company, services and brand.
Unfortunately, we also serve cookies. We don’t like them (although we miss the legendary Brownie), but this is what the savoir-vivre of the pages require to let you know about it. That is why our website uses cookies. You can define the conditions for storing or accessing cookies in the settings of your browser.